Dear Parents and Students, Please click the link to access the book list classwise Book_list_2021-2022
The notebooks will be provided in school as soon as the session starts.
If you have any questions, please contact us at

Dear Parents and Students, Please click the link to access the book list classwise Book_list_2021-2022
The notebooks will be provided in school as soon as the session starts.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
At the end of Ramadan, Muslims all over the world observe a festive three-day celebration known as Eid ul-Fitr, which is the Festival of Fast Breaking. Eid-ul-Fitr is filled with thanksgiving and joy.
From the entire ISK family, we would like to wish you a happy Eid-ul-Fitr. Please click on read more to watch the video message from our Overseas Chair, Dr. Tariq Butt.
#EidMubarak2021 #isk #school
Please read the newsletter by clicking on the link for improtant information regarding the upcoming exams. Final_Exam_Procedure_12_May_2021
Dear Parents, please read the letter regarding reopening of school physically by clicking on the link. Reopening of School Letter
Updated: 4th January 2021
The school will resume live online lessons from Monday, 11th January 2021. The physical lessons will resume as soon as we feel it is safe for the children to return back. Mock exams will take place as soon as school re-opens physically.
Please keep an eye on the school's website for further updates and please bear with us as we gain all the information from the relevant authorities. Naturally, the situation is very organic and things could change rapidly as we have become accustomed to, given the nature of this virus that we are all dealing with.
We are pleased to inform you that as the IKMC 2020 will be held in school physically under the administrative control of the institution's Principal.
The Contest will be on paper on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 10:00 AM in school.
Good luck to all students!
Please click here to read the newletter regarding the Hybrid Model of Learning Hybrid_Learning_Model.pdf
Dear Parents, please click on the link to read the newsletter regarding re-opening of school, Resuming_Physical_School
02 September 2020
Dear Parents,
As you are aware that the Government of Pakistan has recently announced that school's are to be re-opened from 15th September 2020 with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) in place.
Our school is following a number of SOP's including:
1. Temperature check at entrance
2. Maintaining a 6 feet distance at all times
3. Sanitisers available on campus
4. Wearing a mask
5. Entire campus disinfected
We would like to conduct a survey from parents in light of the current scenario as we are aware that the threat of COVID-19 still exists and many parents may still be hesitant in sending their children to school starting from 15th September.
Please complete the survey on the link below by Saturday, 5th September. The final decision will depend on the data we collect from you so please co-operate with us in this regard.
Thank you,
ISK Management
31st August 2020
Dear Parents, Students and Staff,
We have checked in with our teachers and parents regarding the situation at their end and we have come to know that there are still many areas without stable electricity and internet services. Due to this we have decided to cancel the online classes for one more day.
The wellbeing of the ISK community is our top priority and we expect everyone to be in a better condition soon.
We request your patience in this regard and we will be resuming our live online classes for everyone from Wednesday, 2nd September.
Stay safe everyone.
ISK Management
Dear Parents, Students and Staff,
We hope that you and your families are keeping safe despite the city-wide rainstorm and power cut issues.
Due to the current situation in the city with multiple members of our staff and parent community without internet and electricity for the past few days, we have cancelled all classes taking place tomorrow, Monday 31st August 2020.
Students should use this time to catch up on missed work. Work will be posted on the Google classroom and EduPage. Hopefully networks and internet will be restored by tomorrow. Please check for further updates on Monday 31st evening.
Stay safe everyone and take care of yourselves.
ISK Management
Parents are required to label their child's text book with students name and class. Please find the link to book list for new academic session. Book_List_2020
Dear Parents & Children,
It is to inform you that there is an demo video of Online Exam for your assistance. Here is the video link for your information please:
It is essential that you watch this video and read the information provided for the online competition.
With best regards,
ISK Administration
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