• We want to tell stories and celebrate their successes. This year we are proud of our Alumnus student Daniel Felix who has completed his first year at Kansas State University. We wish him great success!
    • Primary Children had a great time visiting Karachi Zoo today. The weather was just right and so were the animals. Children saw peacocks, turkeys, pelicans and flamingos. They also visited reptiles including alligators, crocodiles, pythons and the mighty white lion. We fed the ducks with bread and served apples and bananas to the elephants. We all had a wonderful time today! #Karachi #Zoo
    • An awareness session was held for introducing students and staff members to the #coronavirus and a discussion was held on methods of prevention. Thanks to Ms Aleeyma Sethi for delivering the presentation.
    • 25th January 2020
      The Annual Sports Day was a great success. The weather was lovely and the students had a great time competing and cheering. Hundreds of pupils competed in a variety of athletic events in a top class facility. The entire teaching staff and many professional support staff worked together to make the day a success. Dragons (Red) were the overall winners, so well done to their team and teachers who supported them throughout. Thanks
    • Sports Day
    • All students competed for their house and for individual success
    • Field trip
    • Students are given opportunities to explore, interact and learn in interesting and educational environments
    • Distance Learning Program
    • It has been worth seeing everyone on camera after days of anticipation and weeks of hard work.
    • Robotics and Programming
    • The curriculum is intended to be broad and balanced, building 21st century skills including Robotics and Programming
    • Extra Curricular Activities
    • Opportunity exists with an array of Extra Curricular Activities
    • Student Council Elections
    • Students participated in the two day election campaign with full enthusiasm
    • The House Captains
    • Taking Oath on Annual Sports Day
    • Art Lessons
    • Children enjoy drawing and painting during the Art Lessons
    • Primary's E-learning programme
    • Khadeej Congrats
      • Welcome to

      • International School of Karachi

      • A warm welcome to the International School of Karachi. It is every parent’s wish to find the very best education for their child. At ISK, we aim to make a world-class education affordable and attainable. ISK caters to the diverse needs and interests of its students and ultimately of the community.

        Moreover, care is taken to link the curriculum to the local environment whilst maintaining a broader international vision. Our approach is one of life-long learning whereby the school is the basis for sound education and social development from Pre-Nursery to A-Level. The school provides international research-based professional development for the staff to ensure that they can lead and deliver quality learning opportunities that are designed to meet the individual needs and interests of the students.

        Scholarships for August 2024-2025 are now available. Talk to us, we are here to help.

      • Exciting New Term Began on August 15th

      • We would like to take this opportunity to say a sincere thank you to all of our parents, children, teachers and admin staff.

        We are incredibly proud of our hard-working community and what we have achieved together during these times, and look forward to all that 2024-25 has in store.

        As we say goodbye to another academic year, we also say farewell to our leavers – we wish you all the very best as you embark on your onward journeys. Thank you for all you have contributed during your time at ISK.

        We look forward to seeing you all again soon for another successful year at the International School of Karachi.

        #ISK #school #community #karachi #elearning #pandemic

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    • Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
    • Albert Einstein
    • Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
    • William Shakespear
    • The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.
    • Carl Rogers
    • What ever you think you can or you can't, you're always right!
    • Henry Ford
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    • British Council
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