Welcome to
International School of Karachi
A warm welcome to the International School of Karachi. It is every parent’s wish to find the very best education for their child. At ISK, we aim to make a world-class education affordable and attainable. ISK caters to the diverse needs and interests of its students and ultimately of the community.
Moreover, care is taken to link the curriculum to the local environment whilst maintaining a broader international vision. Our approach is one of life-long learning whereby the school is the basis for sound education and social development from Pre-Nursery to A-Level. The school provides international research-based professional development for the staff to ensure that they can lead and deliver quality learning opportunities that are designed to meet the individual needs and interests of the students.
Scholarships for August 2024-2025 are now available. Talk to us, we are here to help.
Exciting New Term Began on August 15th
We would like to take this opportunity to say a sincere thank you to all of our parents, children, teachers and admin staff.
We are incredibly proud of our hard-working community and what we have achieved together during these times, and look forward to all that 2024-25 has in store.
As we say goodbye to another academic year, we also say farewell to our leavers – we wish you all the very best as you embark on your onward journeys. Thank you for all you have contributed during your time at ISK.
We look forward to seeing you all again soon for another successful year at the International School of Karachi.
Small Change in Grade 5 Midterm Exam Timetable
- 10/12/2024
Tuesday, 10 December 2024
Dear Parents & Students,
This is to inform you of a small change in Grade 5's Midterm Exam Timetable. Instead of having ICT on Thursday, December 12th, students will take Urdu on that day, and ICT will be held on Friday, December 13th, 2024. Please click on the revised Exam timetable link below.
- Small Change in Grade 5 Midterm Exam Timetable: Read more
GR7-11 Midterm Exam Syllabi and Time table Dec 2024
- 30/11/2024
Dear Parents/Students,
This is to inform you that the Mid-term examinations will start on December 6th for class 7-8 and December 5th for class 9-11. Please click on the relevant link to download the timetable and syllabi for your child's class.
- GR7-11 Midterm Exam Syllabi and Time table Dec 2024: Read more
GR1-6 Midterm Exam Syllabi and Time table Dec 2024
- 30/11/2024
Dear Parents/Students,
This is to inform you that the Mid-term examinations will start on December 6th. Please click on the relevant link to download the timetable and syllabi for your child's class.
Grade 1 Midterm Syllabi and Exam timetable
- GR1-6 Midterm Exam Syllabi and Time table Dec 2024: Read more
Book list 2024-2025
- 3/8/2023
Dear Parents, please follow the link to download the book list http://www.isk.edu.pk/booklist
Book list 2024-2025
School Timings 2022-23
- 14/8/2022
Dear Parent/Guardian, Please review the attached letter for School_Timings_2022-23 in effect from 15th August 2022.
Dear Parent/Guardian, Please review the attached letter for School_Timings_2022-23 in effect from 15th August 2022.
Welcome to New Academic Session 2022-23
- 9/8/2022
The information provided in this letter Welcome-to-ISK-Academic-Session-2022-23.pdf will give you all the tools to start the year off successfully and prepare you for a great year ahead commencing for all students from Pre-K- to Grade 12 on Monday, August 15th, 2022.
Textbook List for Academic Year 2022-2023
- 24/7/2022
Dear Parents and Students, Please click the link to access the book list classwise Book_list_2022-2023
The notebooks will be provided by the school as soon as the session starts.
If you have any questions, please contact us at info@isk.edu.pk
Final Exam Time Table Revised (Grades 1 - 10)
- 28/4/2022
Thursday 28th April 2022
Revised Final Exam Timetable for Grades (1 - 10)
Dear Parents & Students,
This is to inform you that based on the parent's and student's request we have revised the timetable so that it includes one exam a day for Primary and we have switched dates of exams. Kindly check the timetable listed below for your child and discard the previously issued timetable.
- Final Exam Time Table Revised (Grades 1 - 10): Read more
School Timings for Ramadan
- 8/4/2022
Dear Parents,
The school timings for the month of Ramadan have been changed.
The revised schedule will be in effect from Monday, 11th April 2022.
Once again we wish all of you a happy and blessed Ramadan!!
ISK Management
Mock Exams Grades 10/11/12/13 Time Table April 2022
- 7/4/2022
- The Mock Exams are conducted only for Grades 10/11/12/13 before they appear for their final board exams.
- There will be no lessons during the mock exams and students must be picked up on time.
- Children must arrive at school at 7:50 AM in full uniform with all relevant stationery in a transparent
- Mock Exams Grades 10/11/12/13 Time Table April 2022: Read more
Study in the UK - A Pearson & Hertfordshire Joint Webinar
- 6/4/2022
For Grades 9 and above
A joint session between Pearson and Hertfordshire University is being held to raise awareness about higher education in UK.
Join us online on Zoom on 6th April at 3:00 PM and learn about Pearson and PTE Academic, opportunities and benefits for getting admission in the University of Hertfordshire, and the role of FCDO in uplifting education standards and helping Pakistan students to study in UK
- Study in the UK - A Pearson & Hertfordshire Joint Webinar: Read more
No Wrist Watches Allowed in Summer Exams 2022
- 14/3/2022
Dear Parents/Students,
This is to inform you of a new Global British Council policy pertaining to the use of digital/analogue wristwatches, and fitness bands at exam venues.
The new policy prohibits all candidates from wearing and using traditional wristwatches and any gadgets that can store information or can connect to web-enabled sources of information at all its exam venues. This policy has been put into place to further ensure the integrity and security of the examinations, given the more sophisticated technology now available.
- No Wrist Watches Allowed in Summer Exams 2022: Read more
Online Assessment Procedure for Overseas Students
- 13/3/2022
13th March 2022
This is to bring to your notice that the assessment hour will begin from 14th March.
The assessment will START at 9:30 AM.
Please read the procedure here Online_Assessment_Procedure_13_March_2022.pdf
Assessment Hour & Pre-Mock Time table & Syllabi for Second Term March 2022
- 9/3/2022
Please use the following links for viewing the syllabuy and time table.
- Assessment Hour & Pre-Mock Time table & Syllabi for Second Term March 2022: Read more
- 28/8/2021
Dear Parents,
Please read the Newsletter regarding the reopening of Physical school from Monday, 30 August 2021.
Zoom ID Links for Joining Online Classes
- 8/8/2021
Dear Parents,
Please note that the links for joining online classes have been shared on EduPage, kindly check and if you have any concerns, you may contact Mr. Zeeshan Gill on 0349-3587153.
IGCSE & A-LEVEL Provisional Result Update
- 5/8/2021
Dear Parents and Students,
Assalam u Alaikum and Good afternoon,
The IAL and IGCSE results are just around the corner. The provisional results will be published as follows:
10 August at 10:00 AM (PST) - IAL (AS and A Level results)
12 August at 11:00 AM (PST) - IGCSE result- IGCSE & A-LEVEL Provisional Result Update: Read more
School Reopening in August 2021
- 31/7/2021
Please click on the link Principal Newsletter Reopening School to read an important letter shared by the Principal regarding re-opening of school.
- no data to display yet
Book list for Academic Year 2021-2022
- 30/7/2021
Dear Parents and Students, Please click the link to access the book list classwise Book_list_2021-2022
The notebooks will be provided in school as soon as the session starts.
If you have any questions, please contact us at info@isk.edu.pk
- Book list for Academic Year 2021-2022: Read more
Eid-ul-Fitr Mubarak Message From Overseas Chair
- 13/5/2021
At the end of Ramadan, Muslims all over the world observe a festive three-day celebration known as Eid ul-Fitr, which is the Festival of Fast Breaking. Eid-ul-Fitr is filled with thanksgiving and joy.
From the entire ISK family, we would like to wish you a happy Eid-ul-Fitr. Please click on read more to watch the video message from our Overseas Chair, Dr. Tariq Butt.
- Eid-ul-Fitr Mubarak Message From Overseas Chair: Read more
Final Exam Procedure & Updated Time Table
- 12/5/2021
Please read the newsletter by clicking on the link for improtant information regarding the upcoming exams. Final_Exam_Procedure_12_May_2021
- Final Exam Procedure & Updated Time Table: Read more
Principal's Newsletter 1st March 2021
- 1/3/2021
- Principal's Newsletter 1st March 2021: Read more
Re-opening of Physical School
- 4/2/2021
- Re-opening of Physical School: Read more
Parent Survey Return to School Feb. 2021
- 31/1/2021
Dear Parents, please read the letter regarding reopening of school physically by clicking on the link. Reopening of School Letter
- Parent Survey Return to School Feb. 2021: Read more
Urgent Update Regarding School Re-opening 17.01.21
- 17/1/2021
- Urgent Update Regarding School Re-opening 17.01.21: Read more
School Return January 2021
- 4/1/2021
Updated: 4th January 2021
The school will resume live online lessons from Monday, 11th January 2021. The physical lessons will resume as soon as we feel it is safe for the children to return back. Mock exams will take place as soon as school re-opens physically.
Please keep an eye on the school's website for further updates and please bear with us as we gain all the information from the relevant authorities. Naturally, the situation is very organic and things could change rapidly as we have become accustomed to, given the nature of this virus that we are all dealing with.
- School Return January 2021: Read more
End of Term 1 Letter from the Principal
- 25/11/2020
- End of Term 1 Letter from the Principal: Read more
IKMC-2020 Contest Date & Time
- 5/10/2020
We are pleased to inform you that as the IKMC 2020 will be held in school physically under the administrative control of the institution's Principal.
The Contest will be on paper on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 10:00 AM in school.
Good luck to all students!
- IKMC-2020 Contest Date & Time: Read more
New Time Table for Hybrid Learning Model
- 20/9/2020
Please click here to read the newletter regarding the Hybrid Model of Learning Hybrid_Learning_Model.pdf
- New Time Table for Hybrid Learning Model: Read more
Health and Safety Handbook for Reopening School
- 18/9/2020
- Health and Safety Handbook for Reopening School: Read more
- 14/9/2020
Dear Parents, please click on the link to read the newsletter regarding re-opening of school, Resuming_Physical_School
Parent Survey on Re-Opening of School
- 2/9/2020
02 September 2020
Dear Parents,
As you are aware that the Government of Pakistan has recently announced that school's are to be re-opened from 15th September 2020 with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) in place.
Our school is following a number of SOP's including:
1. Temperature check at entrance
2. Maintaining a 6 feet distance at all times
3. Sanitisers available on campus
4. Wearing a mask
5. Entire campus disinfected
We would like to conduct a survey from parents in light of the current scenario as we are aware that the threat of COVID-19 still exists and many parents may still be hesitant in sending their children to school starting from 15th September.- Parent Survey on Re-Opening of School: Read more
Online Classes Cancelled for 1st September 2020
- 31/8/2020
31st August 2020
Dear Parents, Students and Staff,
We have checked in with our teachers and parents regarding the situation at their end and we have come to know that there are still many areas without stable electricity and internet services. Due to this we have decided to cancel the online classes for one more day.
- Online Classes Cancelled for 1st September 2020: Read more
Online Classes Cancelled 31 August 2020
- 30/8/2020
Dear Parents, Students and Staff,
We hope that you and your families are keeping safe despite the city-wide rainstorm and power cut issues.
Due to the current situation in the city with multiple members of our staff and parent community without internet and electricity for the past few days, we have cancelled all classes taking place tomorrow, Monday 31st August 2020.
- Online Classes Cancelled 31 August 2020: Read more
Guidelines for Online Classes from 17th August 2020
- 16/8/2020
- Guidelines for Online Classes from 17th August 2020: Read more
Textbook List for Session Beginning in August 2020
- 16/8/2020
Parents are required to label their child's text book with students name and class. Please find the link to book list for new academic session. Book_List_2020
- Textbook List for Session Beginning in August 2020: Read more
- 7/8/2020
- RESULTS & NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2020-21: Read more
IKMC Math Competition
- 30/7/2020
Dear Parents & Children,
It is to inform you that there is an demo video of Online Exam for your assistance. Here is the video link for your information please:http://ikmc.kangaroo.org.pk/announcement?a=9
It is essential that you watch this video and read the information provided for the online competition.
- IKMC Math Competition: Read more
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